A Tribute to Senator Colgan

Manassas, VA. 2016

2x Life-size portrait bust of P. B. Pamplin, former President of Georgia Pacific Corporation.

For Museum in Petersburg, VA, 1993.

Tiger 2014

Life-size portrait of Jay Pace, Central Plaza, Ashland, Virginia, 2007.

Live-size portrait of Professor Bob Gillespie, Johnson Stadium, Woodberry Forest School, Woodberry Forest, Virginia, 2008.

Over life-size, full figure portrait of athlete, John Wareing, located at 17th& Boardwalk, Virginia Beach, VA. 2004.→

He was 5′ 7 ” tall, so we enlarged the sculpture slightly to 1 1/8 life size. This brought him up to my height of 6′ 4″. I am pictured beside the finished bronze in photo #3, and he is up on a stand. Please note that his 1 1/8th head is larger than mine, 2004.​

Over life-size, full figure portrait of athlete, John Wareing, located at 17th& Boardwalk, Virginia Beach, VA. 2004. →

He was 5′ 7 ” tall, so we enlarged the sculpture slightly to 1 1/8 life size. This brought him up to my height of 6′ 4″. I am pictured beside the finished bronze in photo #3, and he is up on a stand. Please note that his 1 1/8th head is larger than mine, 2004.​
Over life-size, full figure portrait of athlete, John Wareing, located at 17th& Boardwalk, Virginia Beach, VA. 2004. ↑

He was 5′ 7 ” tall, so we enlarged the sculpture slightly to 1 1/8 life size. This brought him up to my height of 6′ 4″. I am pictured beside the finished bronze in photo #3, and he is up on a stand. Please note that his 1 1/8th head is larger than mine, 2004.​

Life-size portrait of Coach Red Caughron, Johnson Stadium, Woodberry Forest School, Woodberry Forest, Virginia. 2008.

Life-size portrait of the Honorable Nina Peace, Central Plaza, Ashland, Virginia. 2007.

Life-size portrait of Lucy B. Robertson, Public Plaza, Orange, Virginia. 2004.

Life-size Portrait of Dr. John Moreland, President of Randolph Macon College, located on the campus of Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Virginia. 2003.

Masonic Temple Bas Relief, Masonic Temple, Downtown Mall, Charlottesville, Virginia. 1999.

Malcolm Moore, 1988.

Co-authorship with Jack Witt of Lincoln Monument for Lincoln Memorial University, Tennessee. 1987.

Girl Sculpture